Publications 2013-2014

Publications 2013-2014

Sr. No Title of Research Names of Authors Name of Journal Volume, Issue, Page no ISSN no Impact factor if any
1. Comparative study of isolated moiety from Senna leaves, Pods and Powder. P.A. Shelar , B.V. Jawlikara, M.S. Mohite Journal of Current Pharma Research August-Sept 2013 3(4) P. No. 1019-1022. Print:-2230-7834 Online:- 2230-7842 Impact Factor:- 0.5
2. Implementation Of Time Release Technology In Formulation Development And Evaluation Of Sustained Release Tablet Of Lornoxicam Kodalkar Swapnil J*1, Khutale Rohan A1 Indian Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biological Research Vol- 2, Issue- 2,68-75 2320-9267
3. Comparative study of isolated moiety from Senna leaves, Pods and Powder. P.A. Shelar , B.V. Jawlikara, M.S. Mohite Journal of Current Pharma Research August-Sept 2013 3(4) P. No. 1019-1022. Print:-2230-7834 Online:- 2230-7842 Impact Factor:- 0.5